
Our profession ascribes to a code of ethical behaviour, which is available upon request. I follow all of the statements in these ethical codes and have strong beliefs that practitioners and their clients should not engage in intimate social relationships.

Personal and professional boundaries are respected at all times.

I perform services for which I am qualified (professionally, physically and emotionally) and able to do, and refer to appropriate specialists when work is not within my scope of practice or not in the client's best interest.

I adapt my treatment to meet the client's needs.

I keep accurate records and review changes before each session.

I respect all clients regardless of their age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, state of finances, body type, political affiliation, state of health and personal habits.

How do I get an appointment?

Make sure that you click on the button which is at the top of this page which looks like an envelope, or there is a box marked ‘Click here to email’ just below ‘Location’ on the right of this page.

Now be sure to enter your name, email address and telephone number in the boxes provided. You should also write the entry of a few words about your general condition, but nothing too detailed. We will discuss the details during our appointment. Opening your heart is not necessary now. Now, we need only to arrange a time to get together at the therapy rooms.

My address where all treatment takes place can be found on the website page entitled “Booking an Appointment”.

How much does a session cost?

I aim to provide access to my healing for many people that might not otherwise be able to get the healing they need. We do receive some donations, but no government grants, so the main way we fund our services is through fees we charge to the people using the services.

My therapy rooms where I practice are of the highest standard and being located in London, that cost must be covered. The clinic is supported by caring staff on attendance and clean and proper facilities for your comfort are always available.

To make my healing affordable for everyone, regardless of ability to pay, we operate a three-tier system. This means that people who can honestly afford my Standard Fee are asked to pay £100 per hourly session, so that I can cover the costs of my healing work with people on low incomes and for people who are out of work, who probably need healing the most. I ask those who therefore cannot afford the Standard Fee to give a donation if they can that is in line with what they can afford. No one will ever be turned away from my healing facilities for financial reasons. In addition, I treat corporate clients and those who require healing on their own premises, either at work or at home, a higher fee by private arrangement which includes a donation to the fund which assists those who are on very low incomes.

This means that my therapy is affordable to everyone, regardless of your circumstances in life.

If a series of appointments is agreed in advance after your first session, I will naturally be happy to reduce the hourly rate.

Legal necessities

Because of the laws that operate in the United Kingdom and England & Wales in particular, it is necessary to refer you to the ‘small print’ and is something that you must read today, before you go any further.

In the case of all patients who are to be healed, if you are on any kind of medication, it is essential that you continue to take it and refer to your general practitioner, if you wish to change the dose or be taken off it.

As a healer I give the patient a natural system of healing and this is regarded by all medical professions as a natural healing system and is complimentary to all physical medical treatment and is also used sometimes as a method of stress reduction and relaxation only and supports people with various conditions.

Privacy policy

Records, data protection and disclosure
All information regarding my clients is strictly confidential. Written and stored information complies with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from May 2018. I do not discuss or share any details concerning my clients with any third party, except under certain specified circumstances.

I keep concise records of all healing sessions. These records are kept for the purposes of keeping for your safety, accurate records relevant to sessions in compliance with my professional code of conduct. The contents of these records are not disclosed to anyone unless written permission is given by you, and records remain confidential.

Data protection
I comply with all relevant data protection legislation which is currently the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] from May 2018, where personal data is being held. Personal data is information that can identify an individual and sensitive data is information about racial origin and other sensitive issues including physical and mental health.

Records are kept in good condition and stored in a secure place.

Paper records are kept locked; computer records are password protected and/or encrypted and regularly backed up.

Data protection includes the use of tablet, laptop, PC, and smartphone.

Records are only accessed by healers authorised to do so.

Length of time
Records are kept for a minimum of 7 years after the last healing session and then securely destroyed. Records of a deceased person are kept for 10 years.

Records relating to a child are kept indefinitely.

I will confirm with you why your personal data is required at our appointment, how it will be used, that it will be kept secure and that it will not be passed on to any other organisation. You will be asked to consent to your data being held for these purposes, and your agreement will be noted.

I or my designated Team Leader will be designated as the data processor and will be responsible for the safe keeping, security and privacy of client records held by me at my premises.

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