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Welcome to a world of Energy Healing




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If you are in perfect health, your life is in perfect balance, you are surrounded by abundance, you have everything you could possibly wish for and your relationships are harmonious and loving, then you are truly blessed!

As you are already reading this paragraph, perhaps all is not so blissful in your life, you have anxiety, a feeling that something bad might happen, or you wake up in the middle of the night with a sense of doom, and you wish to change your situation; or perhaps you are just curious, which is why you are reading this, then you have now taken the first steps on this vital journey to a more joyful and healthy existence. 

You are now seeing the effects of so very much of what you have manifested over a lifetime of incorrect thinking.

Who am I?

From a young age, I understood that everything is interconnected energy, driving my passion to help others and improve the world. After retiring from successful careers in retail, business consultancy and IT, I dedicated myself to Energy Healing.


I am a qualified member of The Healing Trust, serving as a Trustee and its Chair working as a volunteer in two of their healing centres. I am affiliated with several organisations, including The College of Medicine, The Healer Foundation, The British Complimentary Medicine Association and I sit on the committee of The Doctor-Healer Network.

Angelic Healing. Attractive woman receiving Reiki on table

What is my healing process?

Energy Healing
Energy Healing brings your entire being back to a state of wholeness. It is about aligning your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual natures so they synergistically support the healing. It is about opening to higher consciousness and guidance for every challenge we experience in life.

Healing means going beyond positive thinking and working all the way through problems. It is the only path to true knowledge, fulfilment and spiritual growth. At this stage, our aim is to understand the cause, the purpose and the reason of every problem or trial we encounter in our lives.

An important part of the healing process is stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Basically, everything is energy and is dependent on the energy that comes directly from its Source, and it is this that keeps us alive. As humans we sometimes block Source energy from reaching us. If this life-energy is low, we are more likely to get sick and feel stress. The important task of the Energy Healer is to facilitate the removal of those blockages so that the maximal amount of energy can come through for you. You are then more capable of being happy and healthy.

Can anyone be healed?

The first requirement I ask of you is that you should want to be healed. You may be thinking "Why wouldn't I want to be healed?" However, you should be aware that there are some people who actually prefer to suffer from sickness, so that they can blame outside circumstances for their condition, or even simply enjoy the attention they receive from others during their sickness. No amount of energy healing will be effective for them.

The second requirement is that you must be prepared to put your trust in Source's unconditional and total love for you and know that everything that Source bestows upon you is for your highest good.


What then is my role in your healing?

As your healer, an important part of my task is stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing. This involves some meditation and prayer, requesting Source’s healing energy to enter your energy field with the assistance of Source’s love and light. It is manifested not by a ‘laying-on of hands’. For the most part, while I prefer to be with you and close to you, I do not need to physically touch you. My hands play an important role in that they are the conduit for Source’s healing energy which is transmitted directly to you. I therefore am the "bridge" between Source, and you, the client.


Healing is not just about addressing the superficial cause of sickness and pain, like using a ‘band aid’ or sticking plaster. It is so much more than that. To begin to explain the concept of ‘bringing ourselves back to a state of wholeness’, each of us must address some important questions:

  • What physical part of me requires healing?
  • What does it need?
  • What areas of my life should heal?
  • What areas of my life need to change?

    Paying close attention to the answers, we can help you to see life from a different, transformational perspective.

Angelic Healing. Library Image: Counselling

What happens during a healing?

At the first session, I explain exactly what will happen, complete the registration process, and discuss your requirements and expectations. We then immediately proceed to the Energy Healing stage.


The treatment is generally performed on a client who is fully reclined, face upwards, on a massage table. It may also be performed when sitting in a chair, if preferred. The client is fully clothed, preferably wearing loose fitting comfortable clothing.


I will silently signal the start and end of the session by gently resting my hands on your shoulders but only with your permission. Permission for touching any part of your body is important and is required by law and our code of conduct. I will then apply Source’s energy healing as required. At the end of the session I will ground you by gently touching your feet, again with your permission, and again, gently touch you on the shoulders to signify that the Energy Healing act is finished.

Angelic Healing. Library Image: Leaf and Water

Anthony Stewart, MTHT, BCMA Reg.
Energy Healer


My healing is a natural healing system of energy balancing for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation only and supports people with various conditions.

My healing is a natural healing system of energy balancing for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation only and supports people with various conditions.

My healing is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Always consult your health care professional or General Practitioner first.

As a healing practitioner, I do not diagnose medical conditions, nor do I perform medical treatment, prescribe substances or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I do not claim to treat, heal or cure any medical condition.

My healing is meant only to compliment medical treatments and not to replace them.

We strongly recommended you see a licensed physician, GP or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment whether it be acute or chronic that you may be suffering from or suspect that you may have.



Your Life is in your Hands
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